
BVC was asked to create a “water like/flowing feel” with the fish tank/monolithic wall.
The conference table pallet was ‘a given’, BVC had the requirement of ‘matching’ the pallet.
The “fluid character” was achieved with a rare log of Kewazinga. The veneer was book matched creating a “wave like” pattern.

This spacious building lobby needed a design in wood that could “WOW” a person as they entered the space.
The wall height was much taller than any single veneer leaf could ever “stretch too”.
The creative design of a “fancy veneer match” known as the diamond match, was used to accomplish BOTH the “wow effect of wood” as well as “stretching” the veneer length to meet the 18’ tall wall. (by turning the veneer at an angle) This quarter cut, figured Makore veneer made the design of this space really work!

This client had a strong desire to present “the most interesting file cabinets in the building.”
The layout of the doors and drawers was ”a given”. The woodworker did not want a mosaic pattern once the panels were cut and the hardware was in place.
BVC provided a quartered Makore with a heavy mottle figure. The craft of the woodworker created a homogeneous yet stunning “wall” of filing cabinets. The book matching veneer leaves creates the striking pattern.

This residential client desired the “traditional English look” of Mahogany.
The “English look” is consistently achieved by selecting the species of Mahogany. In this case, the use of the crotch figure provides the “fire” seen in the wood panels.
The wood worker and designer worked in tandem to first select a flitch of Mahogany crotch with the proper leaf dimension to give the look of “a single flame” within each panel. They then designed the panel dimensions and layout of the room for this spectacular look!

Given the use of vertical grain “ribbon stripe Sapeli”, an accent wall was needed to be created (to hold the TV monitor) and to work with the book matched “standard panels.”
This space was “crying for” a great deal of activity ( i.e. a large number of combined design elements ie: mosaic tile, stainless, granite et. al.) the wood element had a requirement to be obviously “powerful.”
BVC provided the ribbon stripe Sapeli. The craft of the wood worker was creative and expertly matched in a true herringbone style. The client reported this to provide them with an interesting and very active pattern.

The client has a “passion for art.” BVC was asked to provide a wood veneer that would be considered art.
BVC presented a pallet which was considered as “woodsy red,” the only “artistic” wood use would be on the front of the reception and secretarials. The balance of the wood used was a typical (and cost effective) Mahogany.
The wood selected is Makore – Pommele figured. However, the veneer provided by Bacon Veneer alone did not present enough movement, it took the craft of the wood worker and a fancy match pattern of book and end matching very wide veneer leaves to achieve the desired artistic picture pattern.